20 May 2010

Food for thought...

Hey people...

Sry for the absence again. I'm sure y'all are pretty used to it already by now. Well have to say. Life isn't as rosy as I thought it would be demanding quite a substantial amount of my time. Well that and the fact that my housemates and I went on a "Big 2" frenzy for the last 2-3 months. Tonight is actually the second night that we have not grouped up and chat while playing !

I've not been up much besides "trying" to graduate on time whilst juggling my usual bad habits of being a student ! (who could say no to a party right ?) But now I stand at a cross point of my life where one chapter is soon to end and hopefully another filled with adventure is about to begin. Suddenly all these crappy life questions starts to pop up again ! I guess it is the whole idea of uncertainty that is kind of starting to get to me yet again. Ah yes... How I missed thinking about where I am about to get myself to.

It kinda got me thinking now on if I am still able to stay out here on my own... Come July 29th I would have left home for 2 years now... But somehow it does not feel like it. I like home don't get me wrong it's just the fact that I enjoy being here is the sole reason I am not prepared to leave just yet !

I know everyone think "of course he does not want to leave, the grass is greener on the other side..." Well I beg to differ. Sure everything has it's advantages but it's more of the fact that I have carved a life for myself out here. A life I have never had when I was home. I feel like I have slept for the last 20 years of my life until I left and I have definitely took the opportunity to create memories out of it.

The good, the not so good and the daily life. I have weathered it the last 2 years and I have to say, I am slightly more knowledgeable thanks to it. But before I leave you guys with all my ramblings, think about this and gimme a msg if you'd like to. Would you leave an adventurous life that has allowed a million things to come true that you'd thought never possible for the comforts of home and simplicity ?


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