29 October 2009

Birthday celebrations !

Hey there guys !

Hope you are all doing well…

I’m here delivering my promise of updating my blog with some pictures I took during my birthday dinner…It’s kinda ironic thought because when we are back in KL we always celebrate it in a fancy restaurant but then when we get here, we do it in a Malaysian/Chinese restaurant instead…We always want the things we cannot get…


Anyhow enjoy the pics and as you will see I am doing GREAT in Manchester. (Though I’d like the weather to be a little less gloomy because I keep feeling like I’m about to drop dead and fall asleep…) Just love sleeping in gloomy weather…Natural curtains to the room =)


4 people from 4 different parts of the world…


Friends from the East meets friend from the West…


Aww Gareth you’ve just spoiled the picture ! =)



All together now…It’s really interesting because the night’s dinner was filled with people from all over the world and most of em’ like the Malaysian food that was served that evening ! Except for Gareth. He thinks that a nasi lemak back in KL is so so much better…



On another note, my housemate Joey has just left for KL this morning because he could not get an extension for his visa. Your company will be missed buddy ! I will see you real soon when I get back !!!






Cousin of Poser, Lyra !



Already missing Manchester…



And finally a picture of the sending off crew with the guy in the suit…

This has happen quite a few times the last 3 years…Saying goodbye and moving on. I does saddens me especially when I do not know when I will see them again. But on the brighter side of the note I know in the future our paths will cross again ! And I await patiently for that moment when there are tons of stories to share ! Till next time readers…Cheers…


Marcus Khoo


PS : Einar, Aris, Frida, Lucas, Jade, Mike, Anita, Laudeli and all from UWG you all are missed just so you know…

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