18 February 2011

Rant Pt. 2 Routine Life

Hey there guys...

So it's Friday night and I am at home. It sucks but well what can I say I am UNEMPLOYED. Currently I am officially contributing to the 20% of unemployment for under 25 in the UK. Awesome stuff right ? *Power to the minority*

Since leaving my last job with the uni, life has become quite the routine. :/ There isn't much to work on besides constantly spamming agencies with my CV and all while dreaming to finally land myself a job. It's not that I refuse to go home but rather it's the fact that the experienced gain here as an intern is so much better. Companies here are actually interested in investing in you if you show some promise. Unlike back home where interns are at the bottom of the food chain and all we ever get are scraps of leftovers.

Don't get me wrong, I still think there are quite the opportunity waiting for us that are returning home. Our country is still one that is young at age and behind as compared to the more advance countries. Ideas we have seen out here could be adapted and be made into the next big thing back home ! It's just the working force's mentality that is the real hindrance to our society's progress. Best example is this whole "unworthy interns" bullcrap. Yes we are new to the industry so what ? You were once the newbie as well and if you treat them a little better you'd find that they are actually worth something.

My whole situation at the moment is just one big questions of "Which came first the chicken or the egg ?" Companies would like to hire international workforce with a valid working visa while the government wants an offer letter by the company stating that one is already employed before issuing new visas. Headache ? And you guys thought that I have got it good out here. You have absolutely no frigging idea on the amount of paperwork I have to go through just to be legally here.

Sometimes I just wonder if it was possible for the government to create an interview session to replace all this paperwork. Wouldn't it make life so much easier from both parties? It also creates more jobs during this shitty economy! ARGH !

This world is headed towards nothing but more and more red tapes, rules and screw ups. No matter how hard we, the new generation try to fix the screw ups done by the previous generation, it would only end up with us making things worse! Governments are toppling over like a domino effect, massive natural disasters and financial hits.

Wouldn't it be good if we could have a "restart" button somewhere ? Let mankind have a second chance at life as a general because today's disaster are all or mostly indirectly related to mankind's action one way or another. If only we could just restart this whole scenario and make things right from the very beginning !


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